Announcing “Carlton’s Industry List”
I am excited to announce the development of Carlton’s Industry List! I’d like to take this opportunity to share with you my vision and goals for developing this service for Missouri industrial facilities, agricultural installations, and municipalities.
Carlton's Industry List was an idea that hatched from my desire to help my closest friends in industry through the rigors of changing environmental regulations, to assist my colleagues with money-saving energy reduction strategies, and to offer innovative strategies to help help my clients make strong connections that leverage economic gain.
After 29 years of service with the State of Missouri and amassing experience from dealing with multiple governing agencies, I was greatly concerned with how I would continue taking care of the needs of all the manufacturers that I have grown to know so well.
My main goal in creating the industry list is to create a solid platform of communication that I can use to provide support to industrial installations, municipalities, the agricultural industry, and small businesses, and act as an ombudsman between the regulated community and governing agencies.
I noticed that most industrial facilities are super focused on surviving financially from day to day to meet their bottom line, and keeping up with the multitude of regulatory agencies often takes a back seat. If it's not the most pressing or urgent issue at the moment, regulatory compliance often gets put on the back burner. Most companies don't intend to ignore environmental regulations, but just don't have the ability to wrap their minds around the complex compliance requirements that they face.
I also noticed that due to economic conditions, it has become increasingly difficult for local municipalities to afford the manpower needed to serve their local communities and take advantage of all avenues of available assistance while budgets shrink and employment costs steadily increase. A centralized approach of outsourcing and consolidating support has become a common solution to this ongoing problem.
Rather than putting environmental compliance on the back burner and risking notices of violation, fines, or even being shut down, I want to provide a helping hand to be a "watchdog"of sorts, keeping my eyes on the horizon for anything that threatens the future growth or stability of a company, and to assist local governments with finding available support and creative funding opportunities offered by the state, and by electric service authorities.
Collaboration and sharing of information is the key. Over the years, I've noticed that some facilities and local governments have insight on various economic and operational strategies that others would greatly benefit from if they were only made aware. That’s where I can be of greatest assistance.
Also, it has been my customary practice to help industrial installations and municipalities make the connections they need when there is a mutual benefit. There's nothing more satisfying than seeing a collaborating effort come to fruition that helps to solve a problem and create a winning solution.
I want to play the role of being a central hub to all of the manufacturers, municipalities, and industrial players that I have served in the past, and help to take the guesswork and stress out of environmental compliance, energy improvements, and innovative ideas.
My goal is to promote collaboration among all of my constituents, and help lead the way to providing a strong and positive future of economic growth for all. Visit the Industry List Page now to see who is participating in the group, and don’t hesitate to ask if you’d like to join us. I look forward to helping you!
Reach out to me now at for more information, or stay in touch with future developments by visiting the Carlton’s Industrial List Blog for breaking information as we grow.
Carlton Flowers, Creator
Carlton’s Industrial List